
Dojo Kun are the expectations students of Karate should have while training.

Why train in Karate?

Karate is an excellent way to get and stay in good physical condition while learning an effective method of defence.  Training will increase strength, stamina, flexibility, endurance, coordination, speed, balance and reflexes.  Karate also enhances self-confidence and overall mental well-being.


Who may train in Karate?

Anyone over the age of six may enrol in our school.  Classes for children and adults are separate, but family training is encouraged and some mixed training sessions are available.  Parents are encouraged to observe their children’s training.

Students may attend as many classes as they wish or are able to attend. We generally find that karate training should be at least twice a week to be truly effective.  Grade advancement is partially dependent on attendance.

How are students ranked?

Shito-Ryu incorporates the familiar belt ranking system from most Japanese martial arts.  There are 10 levels students progress through before being eligible to grade to Shodan (first degree Black Belt).  As students progress through the levels, they are awarded different coloured belts to signify their progress.  Gradings for these levels are held several times a year and are often combined amongst several dojos, with several black belts overseeing.  Senior students are graded by Sensei Steuart, and all Black Belt gradings are overseen by Shihan Demura.


Are there competitions or opportunities to train elsewhere?

Throughout the year, several seminars and tournaments are held throughout Alberta and Western Canada (as well as in the United States).  Seminars afford students an opportunity to explore Karate with different instructors and senior practitioners of our art.  Tournaments are an opportunity for friendly competition in a variety of events.  Participation in these sessions is always encouraged, but is never mandatory.