General Terminology

Body Parts

Ago Chin
Ashi Leg
Atama Head
Empi Elbow (see also: Hiji)
Haishu Back of the hand
Haito Inside edge (thumb side) of hand
Hara Lower part of abdomen below navel
Hiji Elbow
Hiza Knee
Kakato Heel
Karada Body
Ken Fist
Koken Wrist joint
Koshi Lower back or Hips
Kubi Neck
Me Eye
Mune Chest
Shuto Outside edge (pinky side) of hand
Sokuto Outer edge of foot
Te Hand
Teisho Heel of the palm
Tekubi Wrist
Tetsui Hammer fist
Ude Wrist, forearm
Yubi Finger


Arigatou Gozaimashita Thank you
Domo Arigatou Gozaimashita Thank you very much
Dou Itashimashite Your welcome
Hajime Begin, Start
Kamae Prepare, Fighting stance
Kiotsuke Attention!
Mawate Turn around
Mokuso Quiet meditation
Onegaishimasu Please – Said to One’s partner at the beginning of a class, practice or demonstration
Otagai ni Together
Rei Bow
Seiza Kneel
Shuugo Gather together
Yame Stop
Yooi Ready, attention
Yowai Weak focus


Karateka Karate student
Kouhai Junior student, Student of a lower rank
Mudansha One who has not obtained a black belt
Sempai Senior student
Sensei Teacher
Shihan Master instructor
Shodan-ho Probationary first-degree blackbelt
Yudansha One who has obtained a black belt rank


Age Rising
Aka Red
Ate Strike or Smash
Atemi Strike
Barai Sweeping movement
Bunkai Application of kata technique
Chudan Middle or chest level
Dachi Stance
Dan Black Belt rank
Dojo Training hall
Gedan Lower/Groin level
Gi Karate uniform
Gyaku Reverse
Hai Yes
Hidari Left
Hiki te Draw hand, Hand on hip
Hombu Head Dojo
Iie No
Jiyuu Kumite Freestyle sparring
Kata Formal sequences of techniques meant to stimulate a real defense against multiple attacks
Karateka Karate Student
Ki Spirit, energy
Kiai Shout, Energetic cry
Kihon Fundamental technique
Kime Focus
Kumite Sparring
Kyu Colour-belt ranking
Mae Front, Ahead of
Makiwara Striking board
Mawashi Round, Roundhouse, Circular
Migi Right
Obi Belt
Rei Bow
Sen Initiative
Shiai Match, contest
Shiro White
Shomen A small stand or shelf in a dojo that serves a shrine or place to keep reminders of a style’s founders
Soto Outside, Outer
Tate Vertical
Tobi Jump, Jumping
Tsuki Punch
Uchi Inside, Inner OR Strike
Uke Block
Ushiro Behind
Waza Technique
Yoko Side
Zanshin Awareness, concentration, remaining spirit